
Breaking the stigma, breaking boundaries

Artists in Recovery is a program designed highlight the intersection between recovery and creative practices through free workshops, classes, and public events featuring nationally renowned artists in recovery, or connected to the recovery community.



Through free conversations with artists like Grammy Award winners Raphael Saadiq and Jason Isbell performances by Billboard-topping songwriter BJ Barham, or community events celebrating the work of visual artists like Portland’s own TK and Lana MacNaughton, our events have helped connect the recovery community to nationally renowned artists and helped foster the connection between recovery and creativity.

Workshops and Classes

Through free classes like The Break, a series of free workshops and conversations led by award-winning poet, teacher and poetry editor for The Nation Kaveh Akbar, presented in partnership with All Rise, Artists in Recovery brings unique, innovative programming to people in or seeking recovery.

The Break Web.jpg

Artists in Recovery: Conversations